Almost every desktop browser has the “View Page Source” option. But when you browse the Web with an Android device it might be difficult to realize how to read the source code of a page. However there are several easy ways to do so. In this article we will explain how to view HTML source of a page with different browsers.
View Page Source inside Android Browser
1. Open Android Browser.
2. Enter the URL of a website.
3. Type the following string in the URL address bar:
javascript: alert(document.getElementsByTagName(‘html’)[0].innerHTML);
then tag “Go” button. Remember that JavaScript code is case sensitive!
Source code will be shown in a popup message window in plain text, without formatting.
View Page Source inside Chrome or Firefox Browser
To view the source code of a web page using Chrome or Firefox for Android browsers do as follows:
1. Open Chrome or Firefox browser.
2. Enter the URL of the website.
3. Tap the URL address bar at the top of the browser app.
4. Type at the beginning of the URL:
(e.g. view-source: Then tap “Go” button.
View Page Source inside Opera Mini Browser
1. Open Opera Mini web browser.
2. Enter the URL of the website, wait for the site to load.
3. In the URL address bar type:
then tap “Go” button.
VT View Source Application
VT View Source is a free application that allows you to view HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML source codes or remotely located files.
You can open web page with VT View Source by typing the URL address directly in the application, or by using “Share page” functionality within your browser.
VT View Source has an adjustable interface and it comes with multiple syntax highlighting themes. Other application features include line numbering, text wrapping, and User Agent switching.
Method did not work for me
and go
Thanks brother..
I use view-source: and its working
Thanks For Your Useful Post.